Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fall in an Indian Summer.

The title of this blog definately describes some of the mixed feelings/states of mind I am currently as we head into third week of October. The first two images I'd invite you to sit in are these; Last Saturday was unexpected day of cool soft breeze, the kind that only belongs to Fall and it's grandfather Winter. It felt as the though the wind itself was wrapping me in it's arms, proclaiming protection from the dreadful sun. It was a day of excitement, soft explosions of wintery ideas and the faint smell of fire wood burning, (I think someone was having a barbecue.... but I'd like to think it was puffing out some warm chimney above, which I'm pretty sure does not exist in the New Orleans, but hey...I'd rather dream). Through out this amazing day, there was a great sense we had all just somehow escaped the south, where humidity's gift of thick dense air were left behind..... "Finally!... I've made it through to the other side!", I thought in my hopeful spirit.
  I see the symbolism of that day now in a much deeper resemblance of my current work at the J.W. Johnson Community Garden. Here's a poem dedicated to the, thus-far, motivating experiences...

Cool Breeze Moments

Cool breezes are friendly neighbors.
Words of encouragement,
Like an ocean of wind blowing fears and down the next block,
CMU Blocks...
Built up in stacks,
Make homes for hopeful friends of the earth.
They show up on door steps in small boxes, "LIVE PRODUCT, HANDLE WITH CARE".
I feel the breeze,
As I bury 500 Red Wigglers in black soil and rotting vegetables.
I feel the breeze when just another stranger,
Hangs over the fence with questions,
There are soft winds in their questions.
It's in seeds that spring up from moist soil.
It's in a truck bed full of fresh horse manure,
It's 50/50 stacks of wood chips and manure.
In the magical process of  Decomposition.
These are the truly cool moments of life.
Where even a thick-aired, Indian summers,
Can be transformed,
Into special kind of Fall.

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